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Nutritional Support

People who live in cloudy rainy places know that it's easy to wind up low on vitamin D due to the low level of sunlight we have most of the year.  Depression can be directly related to low vitamin D.  There doesn't have to be anything else wrong for a person to wind up depressed due to low vitamin D.  


Another nutrient that used to get a lot of attention but seems to have fallen in recent years is vitamin B12.  Do you remember hearing about people's grandmothers going to the doctor for their vitamin B12 shot?  It's a vague memory for those of us cresting 50, people younger than I am probably haven't heard much about low B12 and the many problems it causes.  Without enough vitamin B12 people feel fatigued, tired, sometimes they get a buzzy feeling in their feet or hands, their memory gets a few holes, and they can feel depressed.  


Magnesium is the biggest dietary deficiency Americans face.  The typical American diet is low in magnesium at the best of times, and right now even our soil is depleted of magnesium.  We don't get enough in our food.  Several sources state that 80% of Americans are low in magnesium.  This can cause anxiety, tension, headaches, migraines, racing thoughts, charley horses, cold hands and feet, and quite a few other problems.  


All of that having been said, this is one way I try to find a medical reason why you might feel a certain way.  If you're anxious because you don't have enough magnesium on board, it's very difficult to talk yourself out of it.  You really need to replace the magnesium in order to feel better.  There is no medication that will take the place of magnesium, your body simply must have it in order to function according to the manufacturer's instructions.  I specialize in finding a way to help people get enough key nutrients to run their body well.


When your body is generating plenty of energy for you to do whatever you want with your life, you feel good!  This helps people get up and out, engaged with the world.  Many times people who have been looking to lose a few pounds will find their way.  Some lose a few pounds, some lose 20-30 or even more.  I can't make any promises, but we can try and see whether we find something that works for you.  Enough of my patients have had success in this area that I feel comfortable sharing that it is possible.


Some people have problems with food allergies or their thyroid or something else that's related to nutrition, but might also have other medical factors that might cause problems.  For that reason I do a lab draw at the intake appointment to see if that might be a factor.  If it is, the good news is there is plenty of support and I know a great naturopath who can take you the last mile to wellness.  I have referred patients to him for years and my patients tell me they love him.


Sometimes nutrition is the key that turns everything around for people.

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